What’s the difference between juicing and blending | juicing Vs blending

Juicing and blending are two easy ways to boost your intake of raw foods like fruits and veggies. Both the methods were used for making smoothies and juice from fruits or vegetables.

Here you are going to understand about juicing and blending and the way they will affect your health.

I was reading an inspiring article about starvation from where I read that there are two types of starvation. The first one is caused by insufficient or no food at all whereas the other is a kind of starvation which is caused by serious malnutrition. During starvation, our bodies are starved for important nutrients and enzymes.

Now a day’s people are getting fatty because people are eating highly processed foods. It is said that most of the highly processed and cooked foods lacs the essential components because cooking removes up to 80% of food’s important amino acids, fibers, and vitamins.

That is why now people are switching to a raw foods diet.

When you start eating raw foods, you’re suddenly getting all the nutrition from the food that nature intended you to desire. Your bodies were meant to eat, in balance with mother nature. Once start eating natural foods you will notice that suddenly the body becomes vibrant and healthy as it is supposed to be.

Since we are living in the modern world, with all its pressures and time constraints in which eating rad foods as such will be not so easy and feasible.

Raw foods do take a little more time to chew and swallow and that’s a good thing. But if you don’t have the time for that, then you ought to think about using juices for a minimum of some of your raw food intake.

That is one of the main reasons why getting your whole foods from juicing and blending may be a good idea. By doing this, you can still get all the fibers you would like without taking the time to chop, peel or slice the food.

Juicing Vs Blending

Juicing is the way for consuming fruits or veggies in form of liquid whereas blending is to make a smoothie. While blending we used whole fruits and vegetables whereas juicing, we do not include peels of the fruits and vegetables.

Juicing breaks down fruits and vegetables in a way that creates it easy for your body to absorb nutrients. Compared with juicing, blended smoothies also tend to possess more phytonutrients, which are the natural chemicals found in plants.

Juicer Vs Blender

A juicer is different than a blender. A blender can’t process the fruit peels that contain most a fruit or vegetables vitamins and enzymes. A juicer may be a more high-powered appliance that will process everything- seeds and stems, peels and pulp. It’s designed to do it quickly and efficiently. They can be expensive, but there are many more options today than there used to be as this concept has gained in popularity.


You may also like to read about Juicing diet.

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